Is there a lien on my property?” If this is something you’re wondering about, then you’ll definitely want to find out, pronto. You might think you already know about any liens on a property you already own, but the fact is they can lurk beneath your radar and pop up at the most inopportune times. Topping the list: when you’re getting ready to sell your place, and a search of public records uncovers the lien. This can be very bad news, resulting in delays in selling your home or, worse, throwing a wrench into the whole deal.

The good news is that finding out if there are liens on your property is simple—and by finding out early, you can take steps so that it will not hinder selling your home, whenever that takes place. Here’s how to find out if there is a lien on a property, plus how to find liens on a property and how to do a property lien search by address.

What is a lien? Types of liens on a house

In the most basic terms, a lien is a legal notice that’s attached to your property title because of an unpaid debt. It gives the unpaid party a legal claim to a portion of your property when it’s sold, and you typically can’t sell or refinance your property if the lien isn’t cleared.

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