Screening platforms help evaluate pets based on their individual risk factors.

As part of the apartment world’s concerted push to keep pace with the technological revolution, those in the industry have started to eliminate a certain phrase from their vernacular:

But this is the way we’ve always done it.

When you challenge the status quo, that’s when genuine progress can be made. The industry has discovered this on many fronts, and that includes the ways apartment communities manage their pet processes. Recently, Camden made the bold move to eliminate weight restrictions for pets at their communities. The company determined that pet-related risk factors didn’t necessarily equate to the weight of the animal and decided to allow Great Danes and their other heftier animal friends.

But that move by Camden might just be the start of a greater pet-related revolution. The elimination of breed restrictions could be coming next, and has already been implemented at a handful of properties. While that thought alone might make some apartment operators shudder and immediately say “no thanks,” an explanation of the methodology behind it just might make them consider the concept.

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